Delovni zvezek SDE let. 4, št. 2

Spoznanje, da je družba postala kompleksna, pomeni, da resnica o družbenih zadevah, kot o tem kaj je skupno dobro ali kako uspešno je njegovo doseganje, ni vec ena sama, tista na oblasti ampak o pomembnih stvareh obstaja vec dobro utemeljenih in enako veljavnih resnic. Zadeve iz domene javnega upravljanja so kompleksne, zato razlicni pogledi nimajo skupnega imenovalca, zato jih je treba obravnavati kot nesomerne, oziroma globoke in nepremostljive. Družbene pojave je zato treba prouciti v zlatem rezu njihove dvojnosti, razpenjajoci se med razlago primarnih pomenov, ki so za sistem konstitutivni, vendar na nesomeren in razdvajajoc nacin, in razlago sekundarnih pomenov, ki edini podajo celovit pogled na vrednoteni pojav, vendar le v vsebinah, ki za nikogar niso bistvene. // Recognising that the society has become complex, means that the truth about social issues such as about identification of public interest or common good is not a single one, but there are a variety of well-founded and equally valid truths. The public management is complex, therefore different views do not share common
denominator, they should therefore be regarded as incommensurable. The social phenomena should be seen in their duality. The realization that social matter has to be evaluated in a complex way simply means that it has to be evaluated in the golden ratio of its duality, stretched between the explanation of its primary meanings – which are constitutive for it, but in an incommensurable and deeply dividing way – and the explanation of its secondary meanings that are the only ones that lead to a holistic view, but merely in contents that are not of primary importance to anyone.


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